Metal Hammer 388

Posted: May 23, 2024 in Babymetal, Classic Rock, Cool stuff, Hobby, Japanese rock & metal, Magazines, Music (general)

Babymetal is featured in Metal Hammer 388 (out today in the UK). “Gimme Chocolate!!” is one of “The 100 Songs That Changed The World”. And of course they did. They opened the door to Japan for starters. Metal Hammer is in luck as the Babymetal/Electric Callboy collaboration “Ratatata” has been launched today as well. Over 250,000 hits in the first four hours… I think this is taking off like crazy. Dozens of reaction videos on YouTube right out of the gate and everybody loves it. As for the 2014 classic “Gimme Chocolate!!”, it has notched up nearly 192,000,000 hits on YouTube. The Electric Callboy collaboration will bring in a new wave of interest. Thousands are taking the first steps into Babymetal land right now, right down the Fox hole.

(My shot of Babymetal, Metal Hammer 388 cover inserted)

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