Deep Purple Magazine 28 (Final Issue)

Posted: February 17, 2023 in Classic Rock, Deep Purple Family, Fanzines - backissues, Hobby, Magazines

I published Deep Purple Magazine (issue) 28 back in February 1983, so it has been 40 years now. At the time, I was contemplating to create a rock fanzine that would be called Power, but nothing came of it. Instead I was getting increasingly involved as a freelance journalist covering mainly heavy music for different newspapers and at 21 I had a great time exploring this particular avenue (it was still just the early days). I also published three 220 Volt fanzines just for the hell of it during 1983-1985, very much in the style of the Deep Purple Magazine thing. But really, the second (and final) phase would kickstart in late 1990 as I created the Deep Purple Forever! magazine and that run (which included many titles) ended in 2015. It all started with Deep Purple Magazine though. It was a wonderful time. Met so many great people. It also opened doors. I look back on it all with a smile.

(Promotional cover shot of Hughes/Thrall came from Epic in Sweden, I recall that this very contact was the first I had with them, and it would lead to many good things later on)

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