The Art Of Collecting The Cool Stuff In Binders

Posted: June 27, 2024 in 220 Volt, Babymetal, Classic Rock, Cool stuff, Deep Purple Family, Hobby, Japanese rock & metal, Magazines

I have collected stuff in binders for 50 years. Started with Deep Purple in the early 1970s (this turned into a Deep Purple Family collection in 1975 when Rainbow appeared, soon to be followed by Whitesnake and other branches on the tree), and this particular collection is at 107 (grey) binders and counting. I have raided this collection for articles and cuttings for Deep Purple albums and documentaries over the years. I am very proud of this collection. In the 1980s I collected 220 Volt stuff (I knew the guys and loved the band) and I have four binders with them. However, in 2017 when I discovered Babymetal, this hobby had been in limbo for decades. I had hundreds of rock publications stashed away but I had not done anything about it for a long time. Then I decided to actually collect Babymetal and I had a blast doing this. This collection has reached 17 binders (blue) as we speak. Had so much fun that I updated the old Deep Purple Family collection from scratch. New binders, new plastic pockets, total dedication. It has taken me about three years so far and I have maybe 150 magazines or so to still check out. But I have it under control and it is soon done. Then, a few months ago, I decided to collect Japanese (minus Babymetal) magazine articles, ads, cuttings of interest in a series of blue binders as well. I have filled three of them so far (interesting stuff like Lovebites, Nemophila, Saki, Bridear, Fate Gear, Lonesome Blue and many other artists), and this is now an ongoing thing along with the Deep Purple Family and Babymetal collections. The Japanese rock scene has never been more vital. We are living in an outstanding period of brilliant artists and music. To me, just buying CDs and DVDs is not enough, I want to save the essential magazine stuff as well. I have some old japanese magazines from the 1980s to add stuff from still, but I will get to that. I will also make sure that I get some Murasaki stuff into the collection. It is important to reach back to the 1970s as well. So, there will be mainly stuff from the 1970s and the 1980s, followed by stuff starting in about 2010 (with maybe a few things from the 1990-2010 period). Looking forward to add stuff like Band-Maid, Hagane, Risky Melody, Roselia, etc to the collection. You can tell what I like if you follow this blog. I can assure you that it is a great hobby. Just imagine being able to find stuff within a minute or two, rather to have piles of magazines lying around. Of course the actual timeline is very important. You need to add the stuff at the right place. In time, it is like having a never ending book with historical content. Music is such an important part of our lives. Inserting your interests into the hobby realm is always fun, this is just another way of diving a little deeper. And it is for keeps, as my ongoing Deep Purple Family collection is good proof of. Who knows, maybe these collections will survive for quite some time, even after I am gone? That would be pretty nice.

(My shot of the first three binders of the Japanese collection – articles seen include Bridear from Metallion 71, Hanabie/UK Metal Hammer 383 and Nemophila/Metal Hammer Japan 16 – also seen are Young Guitar 5 1989 and UK publication NEO 238 and 239)

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