Lovebites In London (Guest Report)

Posted: June 15, 2024 in Classic Rock, Japanese rock & metal, Live Concert Reviews

Darren W Ritson saw the live premiere of the current Lovebites tour in London yesterday (Friday the 14th) and I asked him to write a few words for a short report here on Trinkelbonker (I had noticed him at the excellent Lovebites Fans We Play Heavy Metal facebook page and we got in touch). I just love to be able to present little glimpses from classic concerts around the world. Here is Darrens report. Enjoy.

– They are Lovebites and ‘they’ play heavy metal. And in London they played their metal to 350 die hard fans that well and truly relished the small, intimate venue, and revelled in the fact that they all got so close to their favourite band. To me, it was a dream concert. I was located side-stage next to Midori, and I mean ‘next’ to her, one step forward and I could have been in the band on stage… if I could only play, of course. Band / fan interaction was nothing I have seen before, with many fans high fiving, fist bumping and getting thumbs ups from the girls – myself included, with a wave and a smile from Asami which melted my heart… a fist bump from Midori, and Fami posing for a photograph! They rocked their way through fourteen thunderous tracks, each one inciting the fans to jump, scream and punch the air in sheer delight as the deafening roar of the now famous oi..oi..oi…oi… chant reverbated around the venue almost perferating the ear drums of those lucky enough to be inside… and quite possibly those outside the NEW CROSS INN too! Masterpieces such as, “We The United”, “The Hammer of Wrath”, “Stand and Deliver”, “Glory to the World”, and “Judgement Day” were part of this ultimate headbanging fist pumping setlist, but by far ‘my’ favourite of the night was “Raise Some Hell”, it was sheer metal magnificence… watching Midori scream into her mike with such meaning, effort and 100% dedication is something I will remember forever. “MAKE SOME NOISE, RAISE SOME HELL!” All in all, despite a little unjustified griping from a few, suggesting the stage was “too small” I think Lovebites proved otherwise as it was a stage they played on with no problems; and play on they did… to me it was a dream and my 600 mile round journey to witness this Japanese rock phenomenon was worth every last penny. Would I do it again? Hell, YES. In the grand scheme of things, who really needed the meet and greet package? simply turning up at this venue provided that – more or less. Darren W. Ritson (End of report – now here are some images from the night)…

(All photo credits belongs to Darren W. Ritson, except the shot from behind the stage that Lovebites has put out through their official platforms – no malice intended in borrowing this for this report)

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